
Building Your Perfect 2020 Goal List

It’s that time—scrambling to wrap all your 2019 projects in anticipation of a few days' break with your family. Are you like me at all when you are doing this? Honestly, it seems I have more big ideas about what I’m going to do next year while I’m pushing hard to complete those I conceived […]

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How What You’ve Forgotten Could Cost You

Business processes are usually born of necessity, and we value them highly. We pay top dollar for consultants to help optimize these processes, we integrate them into our structure, make them routine, and then we just...stop doing them. Take, for example, a conversation I had with a colleague. His organization had taken the time to […]

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How Communication Solves 80% of Business Problems

I’ve spent a lot of time in offices where the mantra seems to be, “Wait, why didn’t I hear about that?” For example, I spent decades in the newspaper industry, and the running joke was that we were in the communications business, but we didn’t know how to tell anyone in our building what was […]

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What Metrics to Track and What to STOP Tracking

I’ve been helping businesses fix their numbers for a long time, and most operations fall into one of two categories: You either have metrics that you watch carefully, or you don’t. If you’re not tracking some key items, it’s time to start. If you’re already tracking them, I’d be willing to bet that you’re watching […]

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How You Can Delegate Smarter

Assigning Work Is a Major Timesaver Whether you’re running an international business or working on a solo project in your home office, I’m positive that you can get more done while growing your team with better delegating. That said, delegating will always be easier for mid-to-large-sized companies. And there isn’t much of a trick to […]

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3 Reasons Why Your Management Style Isn’t Working

How Great Leaders Motivate We all like to think of ourselves as great managers, but there are many disgruntled employees who might not agree. Even if you give a sincere, concentrated effort toward being a great manager, you still might fall short. If you feel like your efforts aren’t matching your managerial output, this is […]

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5 Business Buzzwords to Know Before Your Next Meeting

Buzzwords: A Necessary Evil I’ve been in and out of boardrooms for longer than I’d like to admit. Over that time, I’ve seen a lot of phrases come, go, and circle back around again. I’m not a huge fan of jargon myself, but if you’re going to hear it, you’re better off knowing what it […]

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Reducing Employee Turnover: What You Need to Know

A lot of business owners are confused when they’re faced with high employee turnover rates. There’s a perception that only mean-spirited or incompetent bosses have to deal with high turnover, but that simply isn’t true. It can affect anyone in any industry, and not always for the reasons you might think. It isn’t always hourly […]

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Local St. Petersburg Entrepreneurs Expand With New Acquisition

Silverwind Enterprises partners Margaret and Doug Phares purchased the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARW/CC). Initially founded in 1990 by sellers Frank and Vicki Fox, PARW/CC boasts more than 1,700 members who share professional insights to help hone the skills of all association members. It is the oldest and largest association serving […]

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Creating Value for Your Business in 2 Simple Steps

How to Tell the Difference Between What You Do and What You’re Good At Sometimes, the things that take up most of our time aren’t the projects that make money for our business. We get lost in side projects and daily processes instead of actually growing our business. I know I’m guilty of this too, […]

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